2008 Price List
Custom Paintings For Corporate Use
By American Expressionist Painter
Max R. Scharf
Prices and details for corporations who have a major promotion and would like Max R. Scharf to create a custom painting for use on sales promotion products and fine art prints & posters.
Price for painting: USD $20,000
50% deposit is due before starting and the balance is due upon completion of the painting before delivery.
Size: Canvas size 30” x 40”.
Style: Impressionism or Expressionism (Max’s style)
Medium: Acrylic & mixed media on canvas.
Framed: Impressionist or Expressionist style frame.
FOB: St. Louis, MO (crating, insurance and shipping is approximately $500 in the continental USA).
Reproduction rights: The price of the painting does not include reproduction rights. The reproduction rights remain with the artist. If the client wishes to purchase the sole reproduction rights of the painting add $10,000 to the price of the painting.
Royalty fees (if reproduction rights are not purchased): There are no additional royalty fees due when the custom painting is reproduced on official licensed products. (The regular royalty fees are already included by the licensee). If you wish to reproduce the painting on products other than those supplied by official licensees, there will be a 10% royalty fee due the artist on the price you pay for the product, as long as the products are non-competing to any licensing agreement in force with existing licensees and Max R. Scharf. The artist has final approval of the supplier and reproduction quality. If the client wants custom limited edition prints, (hand signed & numbered by the artist), posters or open edition prints, the artist will publish them and the royalty fee will be included in the price.
What is needed for a custom painting: The artist prefers to work from photographs he takes for the painting. If that is not possible Max will work from client photos. Out of pocket expenses are due the artist if he travels to location to take photos.
Time frame: It takes the artist approximately 30 days to complete a painting. Allow another 3-5 days for photographing the painting for reproduction.
Copyright: Somewhere on the product or image, in very small type to be printed: © Max R. Scharf - all rights reserved (Unless the client has purchased the reproduction rights).